Displayed for 1 month to the public

+100 people attended the opening

3 cans created, 9 hits struck, 200 pictures arranged

Project Language

My role
I handled the entire project from concept to completion independently.


For DensityDesign Open Day, every student was asked to build an infopoetry addressing a social topic. Infopoetry is a form of data art that uses visual metaphors to tell a story and provide an overview of a phenomenon.

I chose to work on a pressing topic in Italian society: the living conditions of braccianti, underpaid agricultural workers. These workers endure long days, earning less than 30€ per day, and are vulnerable to mistreatment by illegal recruiters (caporali). Over the last six years, approximately 1500 workers have died due to fatigue or violence, enduring inhumane conditions to supply inexpensive produce.


To create an engaging infopoetry to raise awareness about the exploitation and harsh conditions faced by braccianti in the Italian agricultural sector.


  1. Found, confronted, and analyzed data from reliable sources, structured or not.
  2. Conceptualized the most suitable visual metaphor to address the issue: the tomato can.
  3. Designed a custom can label and photographed its hammering process.
  4. Built the infographic with printed pictures, a related legend, and informative texts.

I used photography as the medium for my infopoetry, depicting the act of hammering a can repeatedly to represent the plight of braccianti. "Red Blood Tomatoes" comprises 200 photos of various chopped tomato cans, each can symbolizing 200 workers.

The first blow signifies that the workers are at risk of exploitation. The second blow indicates that this subset has progressed beyond mere risk and is now enduring inhumane conditions. The third blow reveals that these individuals have reached a slave-like state, where exploitation and inhumane conditions persist. The can label I designed includes classic nutritional information but with embedded provocative messages.

The metaphor juxtaposes the iconic image of chopped tomatoes with a bloodied representation, highlighting both the exploitation in the tomato industry and consumerist aspects, drawing inspiration from pop art.

For data on the living conditions of braccianti, I used sources like "Are your tinned tomatoes picked by slave labour?" and "Stop the exploitation of migrant agricultural workers in Italy," along with the Global Slavery Index's country study on Italy.

↑ The data shows that a total of 40,000 workers are at risk of exploitation. Of these, 10,000 endure inhumane conditions, and within this group, 5,000 are already in slave-like states.


I built my infopoetry by laying out the 200 pictures in a 3x2 meter grid, inspired by the repetitiveness of pop art. It was exhibited during the DensityDesign Open Day, inaugurated on February 13th, 2020.


"Red Blood Tomatoes" effectively brought attention to the exploitation of agricultural workers, using striking visual metaphors to engage and educate the public. The infopoetry received positive feedback and highlighted the ongoing issue, contributing to the broader conversation on workers' rights and consumerism.

Skills: Data Visualization Design, Information Design, Graphic Design, Data Analysis, Exhibition Design, Packaging Design

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Desgined and developed by Agnese Bartolucci © 2024